It’s Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible. – Walt Disney
Fantastic inventions.
Innovative technology.
Astonishing creations.
That’s the mindset of great thinkers who do impossible things. A lot of times they are great because they took an idea or solved a problem that popped into their mind.
Ideas that others thought were impossible.
They took the seed of curiosity planted it, watered it, and nurtured it until it grew into its fullest potential. A forest full of innovation.
And greatness!
Bringing the Impossible to Life
Inventions that we take lightly we’re all once thought impossible.

How soon we forget that the everyday conveniences of the Internet, the automobile, the television, and other great technological advances in medicine, art, and communication, were all nonexistent a little over a century ago.
Walt Disney was a Great Innovator.
You can still see the effects of his great mind and his brilliant storytelling come to life throughout the Disney company across the world.

Just look at the wonderful examples shown at both Disneyland in California and the Florida Project (now Walt Disney World) we’re all enjoying today.
Remember that Walt Disney was a regular person like many of us who came from a humble beginning.
He dreamed BIG!
Disney dreamed much bigger than the circumstance he was living in. He also failed BIG, but kept trying to accomplish the impossible!
What Walt Disney’s Impossible Quote Has Done for Me
Honestly, these last few years of my life with the loss of my mother around the same time my daughter was born, has taught me to be strong in pursuing my goals in life.

The reason why I say this is because when you go through losing someone close like a parent or a child, it changes you. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.
I think I went through a little bit of both…
Surviving Postpartum Depression
The dark days of Postpartum Depression along with grieving my mom’s death made me have to pull myself up out of some the deepest, darkest thoughts in my mind. The only thing that really helped me was knowing that I had ThemeParkHipster.

To many this looks like a basic blog about solo travel to the theme parks, but for me ThemeParkHipster was the only constant that I knew would always be there.
After all, the ThemeParkHipster Blog has been there with me through the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of life.
Living the Life of the Walt Disney Impossible Quote
I had impossible goals that I wanted to conquer such as making this website the number one source for solo travelers taking their first vacation to a destination such as Walt Disney World.

In order for me to stay on this journey, I had to find the courage and the strength to get up, brush my knees off and live!
I don’t wish the pain I had trying to grieve my mom’s death and trying to learn how to be a mom on anyone.

If I can help someone pursue their goal of doing their own version of the impossible, then I will pull out all the stops to do just that.

Reading how Walt Disney took some of the most impossible ideas ever thought and created them for this world to enjoy, just let me know that I can do the same.
We are all given a baseline in life with similar tools to get started.
The true test is how we deal with our tools, such as time and execution, that predicts the type of future we will have.
It also shows if we have the tough skin and the courage to go out there and fail multiple times just to see our impossible dreams come true.

If I hadn’t gone through such a dark time a few years ago, I wouldn’t have known what it’s like to go all in without a fear or care in the world just to make this dream of running a theme park blog happen.
Pushing Through the Impossible After Loss
Loosing someone close to you makes you understand the importance of time and how you can not allow fear and the imposter syndrome stop you from your purpose in life.

We sometimes need the hard times to get us on track to conquering all the things that we may have thought were once impossible in our lives.
I hope this impossible quote from Walt Disney inspires you step out of your comfort zone. I also hope this quote pulls you up from any bad place you may be in so that you can jump start your dream and bless the world with your contribution.
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Final Thoughts
The only difference between Walt Disney and you is his decision to act upon the grand ideas given to him.

He felt a calling to create, invent, and tell stories that would one day change the lives of people around the world. This drive resulted in him saying,
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible!
Walt Disney
I challenge you on this edition of Theme Park Therapy to go out and do the impossible.
Create. Nurture. Grow.
Fulfill the purpose you have for this life.

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Until next time, Happy Park Hopping Hipsters!
(Original Article Date: June 11, 2017/Updated November 22, 2019)