Happy Sunday!
You guys know me as ThemeParkHipster. I’ve been writing on this blog since 2012. It has always brought me great joy. Some people don’t understand why I do this. One person had the nerve to say to me,
“Are you still doing that little theme park thing?”
People I tell ya…
ThemeParkHipster has been my outlet.
It has always been there in the good and bad moments of life. ThemeParkHipster has accompanied me through the great times with my Harry Potter friends. It has also pushed me through postpartum depression and the passing away of my mom.
I never talk about this kind of stuff on here, but you all are my theme park family.
ThemeParkHipster from its inception has been my escape. It allows me to truly be myself and do two of the things I love the most: writing and talking about theme parks.
I don’t want to have to explain to another person who is too caught up in everyday normalcies why I love theme parks.
This is me.
It has been me since I was 4 years old and this will be a part of me when I transition to be with the Creator and my mom.

Losing my mom during the year where I thought I would have the most joy (the birth of my daughter), has taught me to LIVE!
It’s true that I miss her so much it hurts to even write this. I dream about my mom almost every night wishing she would give me one of those warm motherly hugs.

I know I have to move on and go on without her, but it gets very hard to do so…
I am thankful for the ThemeParkHipster website and the community of friends I have made through it. I am thankful for my siblings who have shown me strength and how to keep our mom’s legacy going.
I am thankful for my coach, mentor, and friend who has been my angel throughout this process.
I am thankful for my best girlfriends who always ask me if I’m okay on a weekly basis.

I am thankful for my husband who knows how to help me in the dark moments. Thank you, friends and family, for the love you cover me in.
Thank you ThemeParkHipster. You have always been my sounding board, my personal diary, and my very own Theme Park Therapy.