Want to know what the best rides at Cedar Point are for your visit?
If so, you’re in the RIGHT place!
Unlike the parks and rides you might be familiar with down here in the Sunshine State, the Cedar Point rides are like no other!
And that’s because nearly all Cedar Point roller coasters are world record breakers and world record holders!
In fact, almost all new Cedar Point attractions must prove to be the biggest, fastest, or tallest in their class, or else Cedar Point may not even consider building it.
So if you’re ready to take on some of the most intense and thrilling roller coasters the world has ever seen, then you’ve come to the right place!
Let’s talk about the 10 best rides at Cedar Point you have to do this year!
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1. Steel Vengeance
Taking the top spot on our best rides at Cedar Point list, this hyper hybrid coaster is sure to impress even the bravest adrenaline junkie!
With a 200 foot drop at 90 degrees and 30 seconds of airtime… AKA the most amount of airtime on any coaster in the whole wide world…
…I’m being honest when I say, there’s no roller coaster like Steel Vengeance!
Especially because it’s a “hybrid” coaster, meaning you get the smooth ride of a steel roller coaster with the novelty of a wooden coaster!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Why give Steel Vengeance a chance? Aside from it being the longest roller coaster in the world, it’s also the most unique!
In fact, it created its very own category of roller coaster that never existed before – the hybrid!
So if ingenuity and creativity is something you look for in roller coaster designs, then look no further than Steel Vengeance.
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Believe it or not, Steel Vengeance had a whole other life before it became the hyper hybrid coaster you know today.
It was originally constructed in 1990 as “Mean Streak,” a wooden coaster spanning 5,427 feet, with a 155 foot drop, and top speed of 65 miles per hour.
As you can see from the current stats below, there’s been plenty of upgrades since Mean Streak’s closure in 2016, but it sure did lay the foundation for the record-breaking Steel Vengeance that’s topping the best rides at Cedar Point list today!
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 5, 2018
- Steel Vengeance Height: 205 feet
- Top Speed of Steel Vengeance: 74 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
- Current World Records: Most Amount of Airtime (30 seconds); Longest Roller Coaster (5,740 feet)
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2. Maverick
Next up on this list is a ride that certainly earns its name – Maverick!
With a 95 degree beyond vertical drop at 70 miles per hour, this roller coaster certainly isn’t for the faint hearted!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Aside from a beyond vertical drop, we also love that Maverick has two launch points!
In other words, your roller coaster car comes to a complete stop in the middle of the track – in a dark tunnel to be exact – and then… launches again.
That way you can enjoy that 0 to 70 miles per hour boost of adrenaline not just once, but twice!
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
In 2005, White Water Landing Log Flume closed, and construction on Maverick began.
And although the opening date for Maverick was pushed back on multiple occasions, guests were thrilled, nonetheless, when it officially opened on May 26, 2007.
And believe it or not, since its opening day 17 years ago, the only thing that’s changed is the type of safety vests used in the seats.
Other than that, Maverick is the same exact thrilling coaster it was built to be all those years ago.
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 26, 2007
- Maverick’s Height: 105 feet
- Top Maverick Speed: 70 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
3. Top Thrill 2
How does three insane launches reaching speeds of up to 120 miles per hour in 3.8 seconds sound? Pretty gnarly, don’t you think?!
Well it better, because those acceleration speeds are double as fast as the drag race cars this coaster takes inspiration from.
And while a ride that only lasts 2 minutes might not seem like it’s worth the wait – it is, because Top Thrill 2 offers the thrill – and drop – of a lifetime!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Honestly, I just love the coaster culture of Cedar Point – they don’t just build roller coasters, they set the bar for the biggest and fastest roller coasters that exist worldwide!
When the former Top Thrill Dragster coaster debuted in 2003, it smashed all previous world records out there for the fastest and tallest roller coaster.
And even though King da Ka went on to beat this record two years later, there’s nothing quite like going on the original coaster that inspired it all!
This year, Cedar Point has totally reimagined Top Thrill Dragster into Top Thrill 2 as the world’s TALLEST and FASTEST triple-launch strata coaster!
You can read more about the new Top Thrill 2 roller coaster here.
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 4, 2003 (Top Thrill Dragster) and May 4, 2024 (Top Thrill 2)
- Top Thrill Dragster Height: 420 feet
- Speed of Top Thrill Dragster: 120 miles per hour
- Duration: 17 seconds (Top Thrill Dragster) and 2 minutes (Top Thrill 2)
- Previous World Records: World’s tallest complete circuit roller coaster; World’s tallest roller coaster/first strata coaster, (or Roller Coaster 400+ feet in height); World’s tallest roller coaster drop; World’s fastest roller coaster; and world’s TALLEST and FASTEST triple-launch strata coaster!
Watch: The MOST UNDERRATED First Timer Tips for Cedar Point (Ultimate Guide)
4. Millennium Force
Covering 13 acres, Millennium Force is certainly a force to be reckoned with!
In fact, when it officially opened over 20 years ago, it broke 6 world records – which is why it’s still considered a fan favorite among amusement park junkies today!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Aside from the obvious thrill factor – Millennium Force covers some impressive ground!
In addition to dropping in on Cedar Point’s own in-park island, it also runs along Lake Erie, giving riders a great scenic view that includes the Cedar Point Marina.
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Believe it or not, this monster of a coaster took five years to plan and build. It’s been called a “milestone in Roller Coaster history” thanks to all this one ride was able to accomplish at the time of its inception.
From creating a brand new magnetic, friction braking system, to being the first ever “giga-coaster,” or roller coaster above 300 feet in height – riding this roller coaster is basically a rite of passage for any true Roller Coaster fan.
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 13, 2000
- Top Millennium Force Height: 310 feet
- Millennium Force Speed: 93 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes
- Previous World Records: Tallest and Fastest Roller Coaster in the World; Ranked Amusement Today’s #1 Steel Roller Coaster 10 years in a row
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5. Valravn
Named after a supernatural raven popularized by Danish folklore, Valravn is a floorless, looping dive roller coaster that will seriously make you feel like you’re a raven in flight!
Turning upside three times with the sensation of weightlessness throughout, we recommend waiting for a front row seat for this beast of a coaster!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Now Valravn makes our best rides at Cedar Point list because the design of this roller coaster might just make it my favorite.
With the track beneath you, and nothing but a harness to grasp on to, riders really do feel like they’re flying through the air!
Especially front row riders, who get to stare straight down the track for a full four seconds before being plummeted down a 214 foot, 90 degree drop.
Because trust me, there’s nothing like the anticipation of that big belly drop – especially when you’re perched right at the mountain’s peak staring at your density!
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
This coaster was built with the intention of being a “record breaking dive coaster,” and of course it certainly lived up to its expectations!
Cedar Point began preparation for Valravn in 2014, by relocating two other rides and began teasing the ride’s name, Valravn, meaning “raven of the slain,” in 2015.
And while the coaster captured four world records upon opening, today it still is the fastest, tallest, longest dive coaster in the world!
Making it one of the few Cedar Point attractions on this list that still hold a world record!
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 7, 2016
- Top Valravn Height: 223 feet
- Valravn Top Speed: 75 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes and 23 seconds
- Previous World Records: Tallest Dive Coaster; Fastest Dive Coaster; Longest Dive Coaster; Longest drop on a Dive Coaster; Most inversions on a Dive Coaster; Highest inversion on a Dive Coaster
6. Magnum XL – 200
Nicknamed “Magnum” by Cedar Point regulars, Magnum XL is yet another award winning thrilling roller coaster for adrenaline junkies.
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
With its signature “pretzel turnaround,” riding Magnum XL – 200 is like riding a part of Cedar Point – or even roller coaster – history!
This Roller Coaster broke so many records when it opened and set the standards of how thrilling roller coasters could be!
And the fact that it’s stood the test of time and continues to rank among the best complete circuit roller coasters in the world among roller coaster tycoons today just proves that Magnum XL – 200 isn’t one of the park’s oldest roller coasters, it’s also still one of the greatest!
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
This Cedar Point ride was built as an immediate response to a Japanese roller coaster that implemented brand new, never before seen ride technology, aka: negative g-forces over inversions and spins!
So don’t be disappointed when you see the build date of this Roller Coaster as 1989, because it was cutting edge at its time, and still remains a favorite among ThemeParkHipsters today!
In fact, the construction of Magnum XL – 200 is considered a “turning point” in the history of Cedar Point rides.
But how could Cedar Point afford such a big endeavor?
Well, believe it or not, the profits generated from Cedar Point going public on the New York Stock Exchange just 2 years earlier is how this Cedar Point attraction was able to see completion.
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: 1989
- Top Magnum XL Height: 205 feet
- Magnum XL Speed: 72 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes and 45 seconds
- Previous World Records: World’s First Hypercoaster (roller coaster exceeding 200 feet in height); Fastest Complete Circuit Roller Coaster in the World; Steepest Complete Circuit Roller Coaster in the World
7. Raptor
How does twisting upside down six times in two minutes sound? If it excites you more than it turns your stomach, then Raptor is the coaster for you!
Built as one of the first inverted roller coasters in the world, Raptor is yet another world renown roller coaster on Cedar Point’s property.
Plus, it’s one of the world’s first inverted roller coasters… And let’s be honest – who doesn’t love soaring through the air with their feet dangling and enjoying the breeze!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Want a reason why we love this Cedar Point ride? I’ll give you three: Zero gravity rolls, cobra rolls, and inverted corkscrews.
Plus, this coaster covers three acres of park grounds – so you really do feel like you’re soaring through the sky like a raptor bird on the hunt for some dinner.
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Knowing that Raptor would be one of the most ambitious roller coaster projects to ever be embarked upon, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company cleared the Mill Log Flume and broke ground on this ultimate coaster in 1993.
Similar to Valravn, it was decided that the world’s first ever inverted roller coaster would be named after a bird of prey, and the ensuing thrilling ride would mimic the crazy twists and turns a predator takes its prey on.
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 7, 1994
- Top Raptor Height: 137 feet
- Raptor Top Speed: 57 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes and 15 seconds
- Current World Records: One of the world’s first inverted roller coasters
8. Gatekeeper
This Golden Griffon themed ride was purposefully put right at the front of the park – so you can feel thrill and excitement as soon as you enter Cedar Point!
This seven time world record breaking coaster rotates 180 degrees 170 feet in the air – and I figure that’s just about the way any true ThemeParkHipster wants to start their day!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Before Gatekeeper’s debut, it had been six years since Cedar Point had constructed a new roller coaster; so you better believe they went above and beyond!
The fifth ever wing roller coaster in the world – where seats lie beside the roller coaster track, instead of below or above it – is totally unique and a must for any thrill seeker who wants to feel like they’ve just sprouted their own wings!
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
When GateKeeper opened in May 2013, it had one of the most successful opening weekends of all time for any Cedar Point ride!
This $30 million roller coaster was designed exclusively for Cedar Point over an eight month period, and was highly anticipated by guests.
In fact, guests were so excited for Cedar Point’s first Wing Coaster that park personnel had to be wary of information leaks that threatened to spoil some of the ride’s surprise elements!
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: May 11, 2013
- Top Gatekeeper Height: 170 feet
- Gatekeeper Top Speed: 67 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes
- Previous World Records: Highest Wing Coaster, Fastest Wing Coaster, Longest Wing Coaster, Tallest Drop for a Wing Coaster, Most Inversions on a Wing Coaster
9. Gemini
Why name this Cedar Point ride after a mythical character with two faces and two personalities? Because of its two tracks of course!
Riders love choosing between the red or blue roller coaster car to race it out to the finish line… So technically, it’s almost like you can call this ride two roller coasters in one!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
Aside from the ingenuity of two roller coaster tracks in one ride – this ride truly is a part of Cedar Point Park history.
Built in 1978 it stands as one of the oldest roller coasters in the park.
So if you’re a sucker for a classic wooden coaster, then you’ve got to give Gemini a try… or two!
The History of this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
While it’s all water under the bridge – or roller coaster – at this point, when Gemini opened in 1978, it was quite a scandal!
Mostly because it was marketed as the fastest, steepest, and tallest roller coaster in the world… when in reality, it was none of those things!
Although it came pretty close, other roller coasters at Six Flags and Busch Gardens had already beat Gemini before it even opened.
But as we all know, Cedar Point has come to conquer quite a few world records since then, so we feel like we can forgive them, don’t you?
Stats for this Cedar Point Roller Coaster
- Opening Date: June 17, 1978
- Top Gemini Height: 125 feet
- Gemini Top Speed: 60 miles per hour
- Duration: 2 minutes and 40 seconds
10. MaXair
This may seem like a simple carnival ride but many fans of Cedar Point love this attraction. Just take a look at the comment section to this video.
It is one of only two built of its kind in the United States that will have you sitting on an outward facing ring of suspended seats swing back and forth on a terrifying pendulum!
Not only do you swing back and forth, you will be rotating while you’re reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour at 140 feet in the air.
This is one of those rides for the real thrill seekers!
Stats for this Cedar Point Ride:
- Top MaXair Height: 140 feet
- MaXair: Top Speed: 70 miles per hour
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R.I.P. Snake River Expedition
Editor’s Note 5/7/2024: While updating this article, I noticed that this ride has been officially removed from Cedar Point’s website with all links to it redirecting to the attractions page. The means that September 2023 was the closing date for this attraction. I will leave the information about this ride below as it was a fun addition to the park.
Officially opened on May 29, 2021, this ride was reimagined, rebuilt, and reopened for Cedar Point’s 150th anniversary celebration just last year.
And while was not a thrilling roller coaster per say, it sure did have a lot of heart and super fun story line!
You would successfully help Trapper Dan smuggle his precious cargo along the river? If not, you would you get captured by the big bad guys?!
Why We Love this Cedar Point Attraction
If you’re a big fan of Jungle Cruise in Magic Kingdom, then odds are you would’ve been a fan of Snake River Expedition!
With corny jokes and animatronics in abundance, all guests, thrill seekers or otherwise, definitely enjoyed this calm yet entertaining Cedar Point attraction.
The History of this Cedar Point Attraction
With its original debut in 1961 under the name Riverboat Cruises, this Cedar Point ride has undergone quite a few changes since.
Just three years later it was renamed Western Cruise, and then eventually Paddlewheel Excursions in 1986.
But regardless of the numerous name changes, it was always a guest favorite, with an entertaining captain driving guests through rural American towns and scenes.
Like many other Cedar Point attractions, this one closed in 2011 to make space for newer more thrilling rides, but of course, this decision didn’t last too long!
By December 2019, it was decided that out of all past Cedar Point rides, this would be the one to be revived for the park’s 150th anniversary in 2020!
And while we don’t need to remind anyone of that pesky pandemic that ultimately pushed back Cedar Point’s landmark celebration, this ride did eventually reopen in 2021 to guests’ delight!
Stats for this Cedar Point Attraction
- Opening Date: May 29, 2021
- Closing Date: September, 2023
- Was Opened Seasonally (Memorial Day Weekend – Labor Day Weekend) from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Recommended: Top 10 Ways You Can Find CHEAP Cedar Point Tickets
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Cedar Point Ride Wrap Up…
So there you have it, ThemeParkHipster! These are the 10 best rides at Cedar Point!
Have you rode any of these Cedar Point attractions before? Can you think of any other Cedar Point roller coasters we missed and should add to this list?!
If so, drop it in the comment below! Because I hope for this article to be your official ride guide the next time you drop by Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio!
Until next time, Happy Park Hopping Hipster!

About the Author
Gina is a former Walt Disney World and Disney Cruise Line Cast Member who enjoys reliving the magic by writing helpful tips and tricks for future guests!
Check out more about her Disney adventures and writing endeavors here on ThemeParkHipster or Florida Hipster!
UP NEXT: 45 Amazing First Timer Tips for Cedar Point: Tickets, Rides and More!
(Original Article Date: July 26, 2022/Updated by Editor on May 7, 2024)