Hello and welcome, I’m so happy you’re here!
My name is Nikky. I’m a wife, a mother, a pharmacist turned theme park blogger, and a writer who loves ALL things amusement park related!
Who is NikkyJ?
I am the 3rd of 4 kids born and raised in the heart of central Florida surrounded by many beautiful and bountiful lakes of Lake County.
I’ve always loved using my imagination and there’s no wonder why I gravitated so heavily to the magic of Disney-inspired films.

Ever since I was a child, I had a natural affinity to the parks here that has now spilled over into adulthood.
I used my childlike imagination to write fun-filled adventures, whisked away my Barbies into epic journeys, and forced my sisters and cousins to join me on those escapades.
They must have really loved me!
Throughout this imaginative journey, I began to write more in middle school, but once my mother purchased our own camcorder, I was officially hooked and started producing EPIC home videos!
Well, they were epic in my mind…
Once high school came, I was dabbed as the video production chick, which I didn’t mind having that title.
My future and career were both set.
This was what I wanted to do.
All that passion and drive to grow my skills and make a career out of producing video content went out the door, when at the last minute I decided to get a “real degree.”
I was too scared to pursue my passion of writing and content creation because I wanted a “safe job” when I graduated college.
My fear was that I would struggle like so many people I grew up around.
I went ahead and attended my dream college, Florida A & M University (go Rattlers!) where I received my Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Pharmacy School
Obtaining my doctorate degree and getting a “good job,” nice house, and luxury car did not do it for me because I wasn’t being true to myself. I got caught up in the rat race and forgot who I was.
It was during a tumultuous relationship, which took me into a deep depression, that I began to reflect over my life and my decisions.

So, I began writing again in 2012.
First with an adventure novel to inspire me to go deep into my imagination, then with the launch of ThemeParkHipster in September of 2012.
ThemeParkHipster became my life!
I poured everything I had into and in return, writing about all my theme park adventures got me out of a dark tunnel because it was where I could actually write from my heart.
ThemeParkHipster was pure therapy for me.
After a few years, I realized that I could use this platform to reach and inspire many other theme park fans to travel and learn as much as they can about the parks.
Catching the Solo Travel Bug
I then realized that since I was frequently going to the parks alone, I wanted to help other female travelers do the same.
This constant traveling to theme parks, along with my love of writing, continued to grow ThemeParkHipster!
I’ve been wandering alone to theme parks around the country for about a decade now logging in thousands of hours with this form of exploration.
The solo travel started with the grand opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter unexpectedly, because I could not convince a single friend or family member to accompany me for twelve hours in the blazing Florida heat for a theme park event.
To me it was a historic day, to others it was a waste of time.

I did it again…this time at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay and I was officially hooked!
Going alone to a theme park was now my favorite way to visit the parks.
Instead of rushing over to the thrill rides, like I used to, I was now happy just sitting in the Italy Pavilion at Epcot enjoying a nice glass of wine and a delightful book!
I now found one of my purposes in life and I wanted to put the pen to pad and show others how to travel to a park like Disney solo.
Five years after the start of ThemeParkHipster I published my first book, The Solo Theme Park Traveler’s Guide.
I was sooo elated to have accomplished one of my biggest goals in life…

Becoming a published author.
Everything was going perfectly!
I met my husband, moved closer to the theme parks in central Florida, and had my first child…
Then out of the blue, my mom had a stroke and died…
Man, this is so hard to write…
Just when I thought everything was going so well, life had a different plan.
There I was, a first-time mom with a little girl depending on me when I truly needed my mom to help me be a mom.
Back into depression I went and like before, and no one knew that I was even in this dark place.
Not even my husband.

With the help of my Life Coach, Jelisa, I realized that I needed to get back into the things that made me the happiest.
They were:
- My relationship with the Creator
- The love I have for my husband, my daughter, and family
- Creative writing
- Traveling the world
- Listening to some classic R&B artists like Luther Vandross, 112, Alexander O’Neal, En Vogue, SWV, and Mint Condition
- And of course, Solo Travel at the Theme Parks!
After all, theme parks are my therapy.

Throughout all of this I was given the honor of being placed on the Top 50 Theme Park Blogs list.
It is my goal to serve you and to show you how you can enjoy park hopping alone. I want to also show how you can create your own solo theme park memories without the negative opinions you may be thinking to yourself or the opinions someone close to you has made.
What I’m trying to say is don’t hold back!
Get out there!
Do it!
Enjoy it!
Embrace it!
No one is stopping you but yourself.
This is your opportunity to do something unimaginable and life changing.
My goal is to make sure that you can use all the tools life has provided you with to become the person you are destined to be with the help of solo theme park travel.
As you read my blog and watch my videos, you’ll learn about all the things I love:
1 – My Family
2 – My Harry Potter obsession
3 – My passion for fitness and health
4 – My addiction to reading and learning new things
5 – My constant need to travel
Ready to plan your theme park trip? Watch the best vacation planning tips on YouTube. Get started here!
While on ThemeParkHipster you’ll be able to enjoy the best theme park travel advice through the following resources below:
1. The Solo Theme Park Traveler’s Guide to Theme Park Hopping in Florida
In 2017 I published my first book in the midst of losing my mom and having my first child. The book was named The Solo Theme Park Traveler’s Guide. It breaks down my secret theme park tips into an easy to understand manual.
2. The ThemeParkHipster Podcast
I dedicated the first month of 2018 preparing to launch my podcast. My goal was to give you different strategies that I use to help you save time and money for your trip.

I would greatly appreciate it if you took a quick moment to support my podcast by subscribing to it on iTunes or Google Play.
If you are using an Apple iPhone or iPad, then go here to subscribe.
3. The Guide to Starting Your Own Blog and Helping You Follow Your Dreams
The Creator has brought me out of some dark places to where I am today. I am a living testimony. Also, I want to show you how to pursue your passions in life.

You may even get inspired to start your own Disney Travel Blog too!
4. Theme Park Travel Videos
Are you ready to get started on your theme park travel plans? If so, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch all the videos you need to help you plan that epic vacation!
Ready to plan your theme park trip? Watch the best vacation planning tips on YouTube. Get started here!
Now that you know a little bit about me, let’s get started on your theme park journey!
You can start with a few of my favorite theme park guides below from ThemeParkHipster:
- 18 Tips for Going to a Theme Park Alone
- First Timer Tips for Walt Disney World
- Your Complete Disney Itinerary/Planning Guide
- Best Days to Visit Disney World
- How to Survive the Florida Heat
- Magic Kingdom Must-Do Rides and Attractions
- SeaWorld Orlando Travel Tips
- Your Ultimate Busch Gardens Guide
- First-Timer Tips for Universal Studios Florida
- Pro Tips for Islands of Adventure
- Things to do in Orlando Besides Theme Parks
- How to Get Cheap Flights to Disney
Get Your Universal Orlando Resort Tickets Today! CLICK HERE.
Once again, welcome to ThemeParkHipster!
I’m so happy that you’re joining me on this theme park journey. Leave your own personal theme park stories and tips for everyone to read here on the blog.
Don’t forget to join 12,997 Solo Theme Park Travelers and subscribe to the newsletter!
If you want to write for ThemeParkHipster, work with me, become an affiliate, or just have a burning theme park question, then be sure to contact me personally at themeparkhipster@gmail.com for more information!
Until next time, Happy Park Hopping Hipsters!
Nikky J